Thursday, 25 April 2013


Anno 1452
This week 8 regulars welcomed Mark who was Just Visiting. Mike was eager to play Anno 1452 and had the game set up before anyone else arrived. Lucy made the most of her time as King to end the game with more power than Tim, Mike and Mark.

On the second table Paul, Roger, Richard and Kevin battled for supremacy in Kemet. Richard was victorious after resisting the last ditch efforts of the others to wrestle control of the temples from him.

There was just enough time to squeeze in a game of Royal Palace for those that stayed. Mike did a great job of explaining the rules at record speed to Jon who hadn’t played the game before and Roger who needed a reminder. In a close game it was Kevin who came out on top by recruiting many of the nobles who happened to be hanging around the edge of the garden.

Games played and winners were :

Anno 1452 - Lucy Newbury;
Kemet - Richard Harris;
Royal Palace - Kevin Shaw.

3 years ago this week Rob nearly pulled of a hat-trick...
1. With only 6 players tonight played as one group. First up was a topical game of "Election", a game first published in 1972 but which has stood the test of time. Geoff rose quickly in the Popularity Index so we started to campaign against him. As the board became more congested other conflicts broke out as we tried to swing the votes our way. Rob sneaked ahead and not enough parties campaigned against him to prevent the election being called early before the rest of us could complete our planned forays into other territories. In the final tally Rob’s Student vote was enough to secure him seats in London to win the game. The final seats won were Liberals 171; Conservatives 130; Socialists 104; Labour 91; Independents 86; Nationalists 50. I wonder if a similar result will happen next week ?

2. We then played a simple card game called "Penguin Parade", about building a pyramid of penguins in different outfits! Rob soon sussed out the mechanism and looked a certain winner until the last round of 5, when he bombed out and Geoff tied with him. The 2 of them played a tie-break round which Rob won easily for his second win of the night.

3. We finished with a game of "11 NIMMT", a card game about getting rid of all your cards. We all tried to prevent Rob getting his hat trick of wins and going into the last round Geoff was just ahead, with Mike and Rob tied just 2 points behind . In a tense finish Rob had a choice of 2 places to play his card... and chose the wrong one, allowing Geoff to go out and win the game by 2 points. Hard luck Rob.

Games played and Winners were:

Election - Robert Piesse;
Penguin Parade - Robert Piesse;
11 Nimmt - Geoff Williams

Thursday, 18 April 2013


This week 8 people turned up so it was a simple case of splitting into two groups and choosing some games. Jeremy introduced Mike, Roger and John to Xavier Georges’ future urban planning game Ginkgopolis where players build a city in symbiosis with nature. It was Jeremy’s tiles that contributed most to the new city so he won the game.

The same four players followed up their town planning with a touch of tax collecting. Vladimír Suchý’s 2007 game League of Six was won by the young ambitious aristocrat Roger who just edged out Jeremy to be given the chance to work with King Sigismund.

Tony patiently explained the rules to Vital Lacerda’s CO2 to Paul, Jon and Kevin. Players compete to make the most money whilst joining forces to save the world from pollution. As a team the players built enough green power plants to render many fossil fuel plants obsolete. However, it was probably Paul’s strategy of building nuclear plants in South America that won him the game. This is an unusual game that went down well with most players. Personally, I struggled with some of the concepts and having to remember to do some fiddly things on my turn. Maybe I would enjoy it more if I played it again... and didn’t finish a distant last!

Games played and winners were :

Ginkgopolis - Jeremy Hurault;
CO2 - Paul Bulpin;
League of Six - Roger Scull.

3 years ago this week it was all about the treasure. Geoff was digging up chests full of it on the island of Tobago and Rob was evading snakes, spiders, rock falls, fire and mummies to escape the temple with bags of the stuff...
1. With 8 players again tonight we split into 2 tables of 4. On Table 1 we played the new game "Tobago", a game about placing clues regarding the location of treasures and then rationing out the loot once they are found. Not easy to play first time but we eventually got the mechanisms and in a very close finish where we all finished 1 point behind each other and Geoff prevailed.

2. The other group played "Citadels" with the expansion pack of new characters. Alistair was attacked and lost the highest scoring buildings so he just concentrated on getting some small value buildings constructed so that he ended the game when it reached 8 buildings and gained the bonus points for doing so. This tactic meant he won with only 23 points, a low score, but the second place player was on 19 points, so it worked out well for him.

3. We revised the groupings and Tony showed Chris and Roger the game of "Euphrat & Tigris", which they had not played before. The game took the rest of the evening and was a very close finish, with Tony winning by 1 point from Geoff.

4. On the other table we played "Small World" as Robert had never played it. He then proceeded to win the game by a margin of 10 points, 84, 74, 72, 71 being the final scores.

5. As the other table were still playing we filled in with "Incan Gold" yet again. Robert won the first game easily for his second win of the night, so we played another quick game of it and Robert won again for a memorable treble !!

Games played and Winners were:

Tobago Geoff Williams;
Citadels Alistair Gittin;
Small World Robert Piesse;
Incan Gold game 1 Robert Piesse;
Incan Gold game 2 Robert Piesse;
Euphrat & Tigris Tony Simons.

Thursday, 11 April 2013


With 8 players in attendance we split into two groups of four and played two new games, which took longer due to rules explanations. Tony introduced Vladimír Suchý’s game ‘Last Will’ to Freya, Paul and Alister. All four players enjoyed frittering their money away but it was Alister who managed do this most effectively to inherit his rich Uncle’s millions. Jeremy, Tim, Lucy and Mike played the latest game by Stefan Feld, ‘Bora Bora’. It proved to be quite difficult to pick up for some with all the noise going on in the bar. Jeremy reigned supreme in the mysterious world of Bora Bora, others were hoping this mysterious world of action combinations and objective tiles would become more familiar after repeated plays.

Games played and winners were:

Last Will - Alister Gittin;
Bora Bora - Jeremy Hurault.

3 years ago this week there was no session. Perhaps everyone was at Baycon 2010?

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


The anniversary of the Beeching Report brought 2 train games out tonight, plus a Spanish Conquest game.

Tony (perhaps unsurprisingly as he does like his train games) beat Freya, Paul and Matthew in their game of Steam.

Richard, Donna, Roger and Mike took part in the second outing of El Grande in as many weeks. Mike took an early lead, but was overtaken by Roger. Richard and Donna then started to close up but with some late scoring in the Castillo Mike managed to just catch Donna on the final scoring round. No more than 10 points between first and last.

Richard, Donna, Roger, Mike, Matthew played the second train game of the evening Ticket to Ride Europe. 3 players fought over the western part of the board, whilst Mike plied a solo effort in the north east. As Mike was building a long route west to east Roger tried to stop him linking up. Fortunately, Mike just managed to secure the 3 reds he needed to perform the link. However Roger built the 8-length tunnel (21 points) in the north to race into the lead. Richard tried to extend his line in the south east and in doing so he cut Mike off from a link to Sofia in the south. Donna was building strongly and challenging Mike for the longest route but with his cards no longer able to be used where he wanted Mike was lucky enough to add a 4-length extension to his route. This gave him the longest route over Donna by 2, so the bonus card enabled Mike to overtake Roger and win by 4.

Games played and winners were :

Steam - Tony Simons;
El Grande - Mike Oakes;
Ticket To Ride Europe - Mike Oakes.

3 years ago this week Tony introduced some lucky people to the delights of Small World...
1. With 7 players tonight we played a ‘community’ game first and then split into 2 tables. First up was a re-run of "Turf Horse Racing", the horse betting game which was played last week. Mike failed to score any points at all on the first race, after which Chris held a narrow lead from Geoff. This was reversed in Race 2 when Geoff had a good round and Chris fell back with the others closing up. Race 3 was highly competitive and Roger made a late run as Geoff failed miserably. Chris recovered sufficiently to steal the victory with 19 points and Geoff and Roger tied on 17 points.

2. On table 2 Tony introduced "Small World", a game of controlling different factions attempting to civilize the world, all with different abilities and aims. Each player chooses a faction and grabs various territories on the board, after which they score victory points. If they decide the faction has served its purpose they send it into decline and choose another faction with which to score points. Players are constantly attacking each other to gain territories so the game is highly interactive. Tony and Mike did not employ their powers as well as Roger and Richard so it became a 2-horse race for victory and the game was tied when scoring was completed. Richard won the game on the tie-break by having control of more territories on the board at the end.

3. On the other table the 3 lads played "Space Junkyard", a new game where Space has become a giant dumping ground for jettisoned components and derelict spacecraft. Players navigate through a sea of asteroids and recyclable parts, collecting resources and salvaged ship modules in a quest to build the largest and most complete starship. Rob quickly grabbed the concept, being the youngest, and romped to an easy victory.

4. Next game up was a 3 player game of "Montego Bay", the game about players using their workers to obtain barrels of goods for loading on ships in the bay. The ships are of varying size and players will score when the ship is full and it sails. The victory points shown on each ship are allocated according to which players has contributed most to the completed cargo. The way in which the workers collect the barrels is quite thought-provoking and yet amusing at the same time. Instances can arise whereby players actually have to remove barrels from the ships of partially loaded ships, thereby reducing their chances of victory points. Chris gained a large lead early in the game and the other 2 never really got close to him.

5. Table 2 finished their session with 2 games of "Razzia", a card game about secretly sending gamblers to any one of 6 dens in the game to obtain the money that is there. However players also have coppers in the same colours as the dens and they might send a policeman to arrest any gamblers there. They are corrupt as they then take the loot for themselves. If more than one gambler or policeman are present at a gambling den the ‘strongest’ player present offers a deal to the ‘weaker’ player to split the loot. If they accept no duel takes place; if they decline a shoot-out occurs with the winner taking all the cash. "Razzia" handles up to 8 players and is a good interactive filler, so much so that we played 2 games before our finishing time.

Games played and Winners were:

Turf Horse Racing - Chris Cook;
Small World - Richard Piesse;
Space Junkyard - Robert Piesse;
Montego Bay - Chris Cook;
Razzia game 1 - Roger Scull;
Razzia game 2 - Richard Piesse.