Thursday, 1 July 2010


1.     2 tables in play this week. On table 1 the group of 4 played “DIXIT”, an ease-in game of the clubs new favourite. Robert managed to win this time round.
2.     Table 2 opted for a mega game of Reina Knizia’s “The Lord of the Rings”. An extensive movie-tie co-operative game very well themed on the book.  This being a game of many “bits”, it takes a little while to set up. Two noobies at this game meant we needed to spend some more time explaining the game (even a brief explanation can take 20 minutes!) We just started when we realised we were low on Hobbit Cards.  Arrrggghh!! I’d used them for another concept game I was working on (me being Chris that is) and had left them at home!  A quick dash and 15 minutes later we were (finally) under way.  With 6 of us playing we had to play with the Sauron Expansion, which allowed Richard to take the part of “The Dark Lord” and try and knobble our Fellowship of Hobbits before we could throw The One Ring into the Cracks of  Mount Doom in Mordor (anyone guessed I’m quite a fan of Lord of the Rings, yet?).  We got quite far, only about 6 spaces away from succeeding, before Richard/Sauron finally got us when even Gandalf could no longer help us!  .
3.     Table 1 then played “CUBA”, a game of obtaining the right commodities, such as stone and wood and water to construct buildings and factories to make Cigars and Rum which will eventually be loaded onto ships waiting in the harbour. However to achieve that you need to  play the right cards in the right sequence, which is not easy in this game. Plenty of chances to stitch other players up, but its satisfying when you pull off a great deal. Very interactive and one of the heavier games in our collection. Geoff’s previous knowledge of the game enabled him to win. 
4.       On table 2 the other players played “Dixit” again to finish the session. A close game, but noobie at it (Chris) won through, by a reasonable margin in the end.

Games played and Winners were:
Dixit game 1 Robert Piesse;
Lord of the Rings Richard Piesse;
Cuba Geoff Williams;
Dixit game 2 Chris Cook.

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