1. Several
members were absent due to holidays so we only had 7 in attendance at the start
so we split into 2 tables. Whilst Mike waited for the arrival of Jerry and
Poppy on table 1 6 players were playing the ever-popular “7 WONDERS” which is the most played game in the club. Freya was
overwhelmed by the Military presence on either side of her and her other
ventures failed to help her score much. Richard seems to have the strategy
sussed to win this game as final scores showed, these being Freya 30; Robert
45; Roger 46; Kevin 52; Rachel 54; Richard 59.
2. On
Table 2 Mike realised that Jerry and Poppy were not coming but he persuaded 2
players to join him in “FRUIT FAIR”,
as he had spent some time in setting the game up. The game is family fare about
picking fruit from one or more of the 4 types in the game, and then using that
fruit to go the Fruit Fair, where they can exchange the fruit for one of the 5 medals
of different calibre or to hire more workers. The twist is that there are 3
medals of each type available in various ranges but the players don’t know the
value of each medal as they are placed face down. These medals, plus any
fruit in hand, form the victory points in the game. The game is graphically appealing
and there is a defined sequence of play in 5 phases , these being Assign
Workers face down to fruits to pick and plant; The Racoon eats 2
fruits; Players display their assignments and gather appropriate fruit; They
visit the Fruit Fair and either hire more workers or ‘buy’ medals’ if they have
enough fruit to ‘pay’ for them; The special tiles are assigned for the next
turn. Once this is done the planted fruits are placed upon the trees ready to
be picked next turn. Despite being a family game there are some decisions to be
made which satisfy the gamer instinct and there was some cagey moves being
made. There is a variable game end when 5 or less medals are left to be taken
and then one more complete round is played. Rachel the visitor always seemed to
be in command as she held the Racoon early on, which gave her discount on her
purchases of workers and medals. The final scores were Rachel 66; Mike 56;
Kevin 53. Well done Rachel !!
3. Table
1 played a 4-player game of “INGENIOUS”
whilst Table 2 finished their game. This abstract game involves laying
hexagonal tiles upon a fixed board and attempting to form lines of one or more
of the 6 colours in the game. They score points for the length of each line
formed, which they record on their personal scoreboard. Being a Reiner Knizia
game the scoring is unique and in this one the player’s score is the Lowest
of any one colour, so it’s no good have one colour at 2, and others at 10, 12,
14, 16, 18, as your score is 2 ! Robert managed to win the game by just 1 point,
much to the annoyance of the others. As the game plays quickly they decided to
play another game of it.
4. Table
1 completed their second game of “INGENIOUS”
just as table 2 completed their game. To
prove his previous victory was no fluke Robert won again but yet again by 1
point, a fact that he couldn’t stop crowing about !
5. Freya
decided to leave at this point so 6 players played the classic game of building
hotel chains called “ACQUIRE”. It
was Kevin’s first outing but he equipped himself well, eventually finishing
third. The winner was Robert yet again, due to a lucky(?) placement of a tile
which merged 2 chains in one move, enabling him to convert the losing shares
that he held into shares of the bigger corporation, which gave him the majority
shareholding in a large chain. Runner up was Rachel who cashed in shares in the
surviving corporations late in the final round. Well done Rob on a great
treble, and with Richard also winning, plus his girlfriend Rachel, it truly was
a ‘Piesse night’.
Games played and
Winners were:
7 Wonders
Richard Piesse;
Fruit Fair
Rachel the visitor;
Ingenious game
1 Robert Piesse;
Ingenious game
2 Robert Piesse;
Acquire Robert