Thursday, 9 June 2011


1.       9 members in attendance meant we split into 2 tables. On table 1 Mike introduced 3 other players to “TROYES”, the hit of last year’s Essen Game Fair. The game theme relates to players employing citizens to various activities within the city, with the aim of gaining influence, building the cathedral, defeating enemies that attack the city and other sundry activities. By these various methods they will gain Victory points, these being the object of the game. The difference with this game is that it uses dice as ‘worker placements’ but with the ability to buy dice from other players, making for a game with multiple options. The city contains 3 principal buildings and a cathedral, upon which are marked locations numbers 1-6. In a turn players retrieve the coloured dice, 1 for each citizen they have currently placed in the principal buildings and they throw these dice and place the result in their own district. They receive income and then 2 event cards are turned over. These are resolved and some players will lose influence, money or citizens as a result. They then have to defeat the raiders that are attacking the city and for each raider they defeat they receive more influence. The players then get to perform actions of choice in turn order. This will often involve recruiting a tradesman, placing a citizen on the card for VP’s at the end and then ‘doing the effect’. The latter means compiling a group of like-coloured dice, buying from others if required, and then dividing the total spots on the dice by a figure on the card to perform the effect ‘n’ times…i.e. total of 12, divide by a figure of 3 means you get to do the effect 4 times. In this example you can get 4 lots of money, 4 lots of influence, 4 lots of building etc, the combinations are many. Players have to manage their level on the influence track as well as their money in order to maximise the dice that are thrown.  They need to populate the principal buildings in order to gain more dice to throw next turn, so there’s a lot going on. It’s a bit overwhelming on the first play through and the game took over 2 hours to complete. Mike had plenty of money early on and used it to buy others players dice to good effect. Tony recruited an Archer and used this to gain lots of Influence points and to combat event cards, which he kept. Freya concentrated on getting citizens in the buildings so she had the most dice to throw but other players kept buying them from her, so she was cash-rich but didn’t get to use many for herself. Paul pursued a strategy of using money to buy influence. The game lasts 6 turns and scores were close until the game end scoring when Tony gained  6 VP’s for the high number of Event cards he had accumulated. Final positions were Tony, Mike, Paul and Freya. Mike would like other members to try the game to give their verdict upon it.
2.       Table 2 saw 5 players playing “SEAFAHRERS SETTLERS” with 3 expansions. This was only Kevin’s second attempt at the game and this was rather daunting. Jerry and Poppy were more familiar with the game and put up some resistance but Robert, who owned the expansions, used his knowledge to good effect to emerge the victor. The game took over 2 hours to play so the expansions add to the game length considerably, which may not be to everyone’s taste.
3.       Table 1 completed their evening with a 5-player game of “MANILA” the game about racing punts up the river to deliver goods and reaping the rewards. Tony and Freya used the pirate options to great effect and on 3 consecutive occasions they plundering a punt to grab the spoils. This meant that the other players became very poor so it screwed the game towards the other 2, but in no way did that diminish the enjoyment, with much laughter generated during the game. In the end Tony gained money to the value of 192, with Freya second on 145, normally enough to win the game easily, so back luck Freya !!
4.       Jerry and Poppy had to leave so Robert and Kevin finished with a game of “7 WONDERS”, the most-played game in the club. A different experience with 2 players, in which little Military was used. The eventual winner was Robert, his second victory of the evening.

Games played and Winners were:
Troyes Tony Simons;
Seafarers of Catan Robert Piesse;
Manila Tony Simons ;
7 Wonders Robert Piesse.

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