1. 12
in attendance at the start so we split into 3 groups. On table 1 a group of 5
players played “METROPOLYS”, a game
about populating areas on the map of a city landscape with buildings by means
of a unique system. Players have a set of buildings in different heights,
numbered 1-12 , and in a turn one player starts the auction by laying a
building of any value. The next player can add a building of a higher value in
an adjacent area or pass. This chain of building continues until all but one
player has passed and that is the building that is constructed. ‘Losing’
bidders retrieve their pieces for future auctions. Certain tokens, mostly
beneficial but some bad, are picked up if a player builds in a particular area.
The auctions continue until one player has played all of their buildings and
Victory Points are calculated. Each player has a secret agenda such as “most
buildings on the edge of the city” or “most buildings in areas with bridges”, and
these score VP’s along with some of the tokens gained. The winner was Paul, who
won easily.
Table 2 saw 3 other players playing “TOBAGO”, which has been reviewed
before so is not repeated here. Geoff
and Roger gained some treasure cards early, whilst Mike collected amulets for use
later on. When Mike used these to gain a treasure he was unfortunate enough to
draw the dreaded skull card and lose all his treasures, which effectively put him
out of the game. Roger and Geoff continued to fight it out
the lead but Roger won with a late surge of treasure cards and the final scores
were Roger 41; Geoff 31; Mike 20.
3. Table
3 was run by Tony who introduced new players Brian and Jamie to “SMALL WORLD”, which was played last
week. In the end Rob won on a tie-break
from Brian.
4. Table
1 played yet another game of “7 WONDERS”
with the same 5 players. After her recent absence Lucy was back to demonstrate
her superiority yet again with another victory.
5. Table 2 played a 3-player game of “SAVANNAH TAILS”, which has been
reviewed before. In a close finish Mike won on the tie-break by being on the
inside as he tied with Geoff, with Roger just 1 space behind.
6. Tony
explained the game of “ZOOLORETTO”
on table 3, the game about populating your zoo with various species of animals.
A highly entertaining game, good to introduce new members. With his previous
experience of the game Tony was the victor.
7. Table
1 decided to play another game of “7
WONDERS” to try and spread the victories around but rather predictably the
winner once again was Lucy.
8. Table
2 decided to play the motor racing game “AUSGEBREMST”,
but due to a misunderstanding of the rules they had a false start and had to
start again. With only 3 players the game system ‘played’ the other 3 cars in
the race in a random draw fashion and these cars got in the way of the ‘real’
players !. Geoff was usually in the
front runners and he eventually ran out the winner by some margin from the
other 2 players.
9. Table
2 then finished their session with the quick dice-rolling game of “SUSHIWOCK IM GOCKELWOK”. There was much
pinching of tiles between the players which saw fortunes fluctuating, which
made for an amusing game and in the end Mike’s high-value sushi saw him through
to victory.
10. Table 1 played the last game of packed evening
with a 7-player outing of “THE GREAT
DALMUTI”, at the request of Rob. Much hilarity was forthcoming from the
table, especially from the newcomers, and in the end Tim emerged as the victor.
A really
fun-packed evening with a record number
of games played. Thanks to all who took part.
Games played and
Winners were:
Metropolys –
Paul Bulpin;
Tobago – Roger
Small World –
Rob Piesse;
7 Wonders Game 1
– Lucy Newbury;
Savannah Tails –
Mike Oakes;
Zooloretto –
Tony Simons;
7 Wonders Game 2
– Lucy Newbury ( again);
Ausgembremst –
Geoff Williams;
Sushizock im
Gockelwok – Mike Oakes;
The Great
Dalmuti – Tim Havenith.