Thursday, 11 August 2011


1.       11 in attendance at the start so we split into 2 tables initially, and then 3 tables. On table 1 a group of 6 players played “SCREAM MACHINE”, the card game about building a theme park with various attractions and getting the public to visit your park rather than someone else’s.  Paul gained lots of points by being the one with the lowest value rides and thereby attracting the Cheapskate punters. The other player could not compete with this so he was the eventual winner.
2.       On Table 2 Mike led a group of 3 other players in “TROYES”, in an attempt to get other opinions on this game, which has received a mixed reception. There’s much to explain at the start and some players found it slightly bewildering but eventually after a couple of rounds of play the mechanisms became clearer. Roger had plenty of money and placed workers at different sites in the city, giving him variable dice to roll. Mike concentrated on the religious aspect by obtaining white dice and built several levels of the cathedral. Rob and Kevin went down the Civic and Military route, using the powers of their workers to convert yellow dice to red and with those they chose to try and combat the event cards and place cubes on them. This gained them a hoard of Victory Points. In round 5 Mike placed several workers in the principal buildings so that he could roll more dice than any other players, and that meant that Roger was ejected, leaving him with no dice to roll at all!. In the next round, the final one, Mike failed to roll the high numbers he wanted to complete his planned move and this blew his chance. Roger used his money to place a worker so that he gained 6 VPs, which moved him ahead a bit. Rob and Kevin continued with their militarist strategy and gained a few more VPs. At Game End scoring almost every player had enough money to gain maximum of 6 VPs so Mike’s secret agenda meant very little. Roger’s worker placement gained him more VPs than anyone else but Rob and Kevin also scored well with their secret agendas so the final scores were Kevin 41; Rob 38, Roger 35; Mike 28. All 3 players said they would play again as they now knew the mechanisms well enough, so that will be arranged for the near future, after which a better opinion of the game can be gleaned.
3.       Table 1 played “OREGON”, a game of worker placement to gain VPs as the territory gets settled by stores, ports , railways and churches.   Alister thought he had done enough to win until Paul had a fantastic last move to gain 14 points and snatch a victory.
4.       Table 3 saw 3 players in a game of the club favourite “TICKET TO RIDE”. As the mechanisms are well-known the game progressed quickly and Jerry emerged the victor.
5.       With some departures we were left with 6 players and Mike volunteered to drop out to explain the quick filler game “FELIX” to the other players. This is a card-based auction game of 9 rounds of play in which cards containing picture of cats and dogs are secretly placed under cards for auctions and then players either bid to stay in, or drop out and take the money on offer at the current auction. The card under this auction is then revealed so the remaining players have a better idea of what the final set of cards will be worth. This continues until all players but one have passed and they pay their final bid to the bank and receive all the 5 cards placed. The twist is that some cats are valued positive and some are negative. Furthermore there are Big dogs and Small dogs to be played. If a Big Dog is present they chase away the highest positive cat, reducing the value of the final set. If just a Small dog is present they chase away the highest negative cat. Just to complicate it more, if more than one dog card is played they chase each other and no cats are chased at all ! Some spirited bidding took place and Kevin was unfortunate to pay a large bid, only to find a Big dog under the last card which drove away a positive cat worth 15 VPs. A good quick filler game, easy to play and the eventual winner was Rob
Games played and Winners were:
Scream Machine Paul Bulpin;
Troyes Kevin Ward;
Ticket To Ride Jerry Jabelman;
Oregon Paul Bulpin;
Felix Rob Piesse.

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