Thursday, 8 December 2011


1.       12 players showed up tonight. To start on table 1 a group of 4 played “DOMINION”, at the request of Rob and Freya. The chosen combination of card decks led to very little attacking and Freya was able to build a good cash-building ‘engine’, with which she frequently bought Provinces. Mike and Tony tried to offset this by playing Witches to give the other players Curses but the final reckoning saw Freya win easily by a margin of over 20 points.
2.       As the other tables were in play the same group on Table 1 played another game of “DOMINION” but with a more attacking combination of card decks. This time Tony and Mike were more in contention and attacked Freya at any opportunity. In a much closer finish Tony won by 3 points from Freya, with Mike third and surprisingly Rob last.
3.       Table 2 had 3 players playing the new game “CARGO NOIR”. Players loads ships with cargo and then sail them to different destinations. When they reach a certain port the players perform an auction to determine who gets to unload the cargo and sometimes the winner can sneakily move some of the cargo from the dock to their personal warehouse. The resultant gains can be traded to increase the size of your fleet so that you can get even more wares. The eventual winner was Roger, mainly because he got a set of 7 goods  in the last turn.
4.       The players then regrouped and on Table 2 a 3-player game of “SMALLWORLD” took place. There were cries of “Smelly Socks” heard, so goodness knows what combinations were being played. The eventually winner was Freya
5.        Table 3 saw Paul leading a group of 5 players in the game “ENDEAVOR”. In this game players move around the Mediterranean and colonize it, and ships goods to all parts of the world to increase the empire’s status and glory in Industry, Culture, Finance and Politics. Eventually they will attack other empires to retrieve resources from them. Players have to maintain a balanced portfolio of people under their control so that they can activate the power of buildings they have constructed. Not surprising Paul won the first game as he knew the mechanisms.
6.       As the game was well received by all 5 players Table 3 played another game of “ENDEAVOR”.  This time the contest was much more closely fought and Lucy emerged as the victor.
7.       Table 1 saw 4 players in the game “HAMBURGUM”, the recent purchase from “The Works” at a bargain price of £7.99. Plenty of attractive bits in this trading game, which provide s a pleasant gaming experience in around 90 minutes. Basically players are trying to build the 5 various levels of 5 churches and 1 cathedral, for which they gain tokens, which they can eventually turn in for VPs. The VPs are dependant upon how many buildings of a particular type they construct, or how many are in a particular region, or how many ships they have in use at the time. To achieve this they move around the familiar Rondel system, collecting timber, stone and bells with which to build Churches and Buildings. To finance this they can also obtain supplies of Beer, Sugar and Cloth from the Rondel and eventually they trade these for cash, in a market that decreases in price as the relevant building are constructed. The game ends immediately the 6th Church is built, leading to a sudden end, so timing is vital. There are several different ways to play the game and turns come round quickly so interest is held high throughout. The eventual winner was Tony by a clear margin.
Games played and Winners were:
Dominion – Game 1 – Freya Freestone;
Dominion – Game 2 – Tony Simons;
Cargo Noir – Roger Skull;
Small World – Freeya Freestone;
Endeavor – Game 1 - Paul Pulpin;
Endeavor – Game 2 - Lucy Newbury;
Hamburgum-  Tony Simons.

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