Thursday, 12 January 2012


1.       With just 8 players in attendance we split into 2 groups of 4. On table 1 Jerry led a group playing “DOMAINE”, in which players create different domains and by playing cards they extend them, or add knights to existing territories for offensive and defensive purposes, or add fences to other parts of the board to create new domains. They receive VP’s of 1 for each wood in their control, plus income of 1 for each mine they also happen to have. To play a card each turn costs a variable amount of money and this is very tight. If they cannot pay for a building action they have to discard 1 card to the chancery and receive the income from it. This makes the cards available for other players to pick up in subsequent turns. The VP’s gained are recorded on a track on the edge of the board and the players are trying to be the first to reach the King token which is placed further around the track. Jerry took an early lead by creating 2 smaller domains with lots of woods, whilst Mike concentrated on getting a larger single domain. Freya and Poppy contested another corner of the board. Freya thwarted Mike’s attempt to take over one of her domains and extended her own to gain VP’s. She intended to encroach into Jerry’s domain but Jerry placed an extra knight in it to repel the attack. The other players failed to spot that Jerry was constructing a large domain and when he completed this he gained many points, which meant he was close to winning. Mike made a spirited attempt to close the gap but didn’t have enough money to play one of his powerful cards so the result was beyond redemption. Final positions  were Jerry, Mike, Freya, Poppy.
2.       On table 2 Tony led a group of 4 playing “DRUM ROLL”, which was played last week and reviewed in detail there, so is not repeated here. As the other players had not played before it took some time to explain it and the whole game took 2 and half hours to complete, but was well received by those who took part. Not surprisingly, Tony was the winner.
3.       On table 1 Mike and Freya introduced Jerry and Poppy to “DOMINION”, which they had not played before. Freya chose a ‘gentle’ combination of 10 action cards types for easier explanation. She helped Poppy to understand how the game works and Poppy was a willing pupil, building a neat hand of actions which gave her plenty of buying power and a ‘long’ turn. Mike suffered from her thief card and her Spy card, ‘losing’ Gold on several occasions which thwarted his own building ambitions. Jerry plodded along but failed to get the right combinations in his 5 cards to make huge progress. Freya used her Moneylender wisely and constructed the first Provinces for 6 VP’s each. Poppy was matching Freya steadily but as 2 of the Action card decks were exhausted Freya decided she had enough points to win the game so she ended it on her next turn. She was right as the final scores were Freya 38; Poppy 31; Jerry 24 and Mike a measly 15 ! The Jabelmans enjoyed the experience and wanted to play the game again at a future date.

Games played and Winners were:
Domaine - Jerry Jabelman;
Drum Roll – Tony Simons:
Dominion – Freya Freestone.

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