Thursday, 23 February 2012


1.       With Mike a late arrival 7 players commenced with the popular “7 WONDERS”, the most-frequently played game in the club. You are all familiar with the mechanics of the game so no need to repeat them here, suffice to say the winner was Lucy.
2.       The players then split into 2 groups of 4. On table 1 Jerry introduced Poppy to the game of “OREGON”, see review of 15th December 2011 for details.  Jerry was always in the lead and despite a slight closing by Mike and Roger mid-game Jerry was never headed and he won comfortably.
3.       On table 2 Kevin introduced 3 other players to the game of Agricola but this was abandoned after some 30 minutes as the explanation was taking too long. The group decided to play “INFINITE CITY” instead and this coincided with Mike and Roger being available from the other table, to make up a group of 6. The game review of 10 February 2011 explains it in more detail. Much back-stabbing went on in this game with Mike trying to restrict Rob and Kevin, whilst Lucy annoyed us all by building Plazas, which meant we had no choice where to place our next tile. In a close finish sadly Rob won with 18 points by pinching one of Mike’s Silver tiles, with 3 other players tied on 17 points, one with 16 and Mike trailed in last with 14.
4.       Lucy departed, so 5 players played “MONTGOLFIERE”, the game about ballooning trying to reach the moon, see review posted on 19th January 2012. A highly interactive card game in the lightweight category. We played 3 rounds and the scoring was very close but to the surprise of everyone Mike emerged the victor in a close finish with 29 points, 3 players had 27 points and the last player 26 points. That makes 3 wins for Mike in 2012, maybe the ‘good times are back’!

Games played and Winners were:
7 Wonders – Lucy Newbury;
Oregon – Jerry Fabelman;
Infinite City – Rob Piesse;
Montgolfiere – Mike Oakes.

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