Thursday, 21 June 2012


1.       Well readers you may recall that last week we didn’t know who the winner would be of “SURVIVE”. Well fret no more, I can announce that it was Alister who triumphed. Back to this week and we had 8 players in attendance so we split into 2 tables of 4. On table 1 the game of “SETTLERS OF THE STONE AGE” made another appearance, having been played on 24/05/2012,so see details there. As only 2 players knew that game it was a slow start but things quickened up once players started moving up the scoring tracks on the side of the board. The eventual winner was Kevin with apparently a lucky break near the end.
2.       Table 2 saw 4 players playing the new game “VINHOS” under Tony’s direction, consisting of the same 3 players as last week, plus Jeremy. Once again Paul took the ‘exporter ‘ route but it didn’t prove as successful as last week , as Tony scored good points in the game end scoring to grab a victory from Paul by a narrow margin. Jeremy was a close-up third with a later surge but Mike failed dismally and was well behind.
3.       With the departure of Jerry Table 1 reduced to3 players so they played “7 WONDERS“, the all-time club favourite.  Once again Freya triumphed by collecting a strong combination of Green cards, which yielded her many points and she ran out a clear winner.
4.       Paul also departed early from Table 2 so Tony and Mike introduced Jeremy to “DOMINION”, which he had not played before. The version we played was ‘Intrigue’ so many of the decks were new to Mike also. Obtaining the required money to purchase the Province cards proved elusive for the first 30 minutes and one deck forced players to pass on a card to the neighbour on their left, which ruined many a chance to make progress. Jeremy and Tony fought out the finish, with Tony coming out on top with 67 points to Jeremy’s 62…once again Mike was a distant runner-up on 38 points. The bulk of Tony’s points came from acquiring a number of Duke cards which were worth 1 VP for each Duchy in the realm, and he had 5 Dukes and 5 Duchy’s generating 25 points on their own !!

Games played and Winners were:
Settlers of the Stone Age – Kevin Ward;
Vinhos – Tony Simons;
7 Wonders – Freya Freestone;
Dominion – Tony Simons.

Thursday, 14 June 2012


1.       With 8 players in attendance we split into 2 tables and played some longer games. On Table 1 Freya’s new game of “THUNDERSTONE ADVANCE” made an appearance again, for the third week running. Your correspondent has still not played it so cannot comment in depth. Suffice to say that it was keenly contested and the final order was Jon, Freya, Roger, Kevin and Alister.
2.       With the non-appearance of Lucy Mike put away his copy of HAWAII and Table 2 saw 3 players playing the new game “VINHOS” under Tony’s direction. This game is about Portugal’s wine-producing areas and players have their own player board on which they place items they have acquired from the main board. These include such things as Vineyards, Wineries, Enologists (Wine Experts) and Cellars. By building up these areas the players can eventually produce wines of different colour, vintage and strength. They can choose to use these in several different ways, providing they can use the appropriate Action Square ( more later). They can a) sell these into various establishments to improve their bank balance; b) export them to gain immediate VP’s plus a chance to gain more VP’s at the game end; c) use them to establish and develop a relationship with one of the 3 managers in the game with a long term view of gaining VP’s at the game end;   use one of them to go to the Wine Fair to gain VP’s and other possibilities available there. So many ways to score points or position yourself for subsequent moves. One thing to point out is that there is a difference in the ‘Cash in the Bank’ and the ‘Cash on hand’. Players can only use ‘Cash in hand’ to move to the Action squares, acquire new tiles or hire enologists so this has to be allowed for. To generate more cash they have to take the action ‘Visit the bank’ and withdraw some cash and reduce their bank balance. The size of the Bank balance at game ends provides yet another way to score VPs so the amount you withdraw via this action has to be weighed up. The game consists of 6 phases and the taxman moves along these 6 action squares in a defined sequence. Each phase is made up of 2 distinct turns, followed by a maintenance phase where you have to pay for staff, then a Production phase, and then in certain turns a Wine Fair takes place. Players pay 1money in cash to move to each square they pass over, pay the costs associated with the action square they have landed on, perform some ancillary action if the tile so dictates, and optionally invoke the use of some of their Wine Experts in their employ. This is straightforward once you understand the graphics on the board and the ramifications and after the first round game play speeded up considerably. Paul established an early lead by exporting wines in 2 turns. Mike concentrated on building up the production facilities in 2 Vineyards, whilst Tony exhibited at the Wine Fair to gain points and more Wine experts. The cash element was very tight so not all plans came to fruition. The Weather played its part as well, sometime producing crops of lower quality than that required. Tony started to catch up Paul by good use of the Wine market but Paul reacted by exporting even more wine. Mike took the lead by exporting some high-quality wines, only for Paul to respond yet again with more exports. With only 6 rounds in the whole game it’s difficult to achieve all your goals, but it does mean that it plays quicker than you think and there’s very little downtime. We finished in just under 3 hours, not bad for a game that required a lot of explanation at the start and a fiddly set up. Paul’s significant export activity yielded him 24 points at game end so the final scores were Paul 76, Mike 62, Tony 34. The game is produced by the company “What’s Your Game?” who published the excellent “VASCO DA GAMA” a couple of years ago and Mike could see the similarities in the design and presntation. In both games you have a certain number of action dobbers to use, a certain number of action spaces to choose from, the money to do all you want is not easy to acquire, and you are trying to build an ‘engine’ that gives rewards of VPs both short-term and Long-term. The components are of high quality and the game is highly recommended to other members. The three of us want to play again next week and invite another member to join us.
3.       With Freya’s departure Table 1 reduced to 4 players so they played “SURVIVE“, a club favourite about getting your men off the island and into safety before being gobbled up by whales, Sea serpents and the like.. Your correspondent had to leave at this time with the game still in progress. Opinion from the players was that victory would go to either Alister or Jon so I have recorded a joint win for the time being….what a cliffhanger dear readers, can you wait for next week’s instalment to find out who triumphed??...........

Games played and Winners were:
Thunderstone Advance – Jon Bradford;
Vinhos – Paul Bulpin;
Survive– Alister Gitten/Jon Bradford.

Thursday, 7 June 2012


1.       With 9 players in attendance we split into 2 tables and played some longer games. Table 1 played  THUNDERSTONE ADVANCE”, the new game which was played last week. This time round Freya demonstrated her knowledge of the game by scoring a resounding victory with 40 points total, whilst the other 4 players scores were in the 20’s.
2.       Table 2 saw Jeremy leading a group of 4 in the game of “MACAO”, by Stefan Feld, who is a rising designer with many fine titles to his credit. The game is about acquiring various commodities from Macao and shipping them to the appropriate cities on the board that require them and gaining Prestige Points (PP’s) for doing so. When they select a district to pick up goods they place one of their markers on it and if they can link to adjacent districts they will score PPs at the game end. Players can also ‘buy’ PPs if they have sufficient gold coin to do so via a market conversion table that changes for each of the 12 rounds in the game. Another way to gain PP’s is via the action cards that a player can acquire. To do any of this requires a variable amount of small coloured cubes, which come in 6 colours and the way these are gained is achieved in a most ingenious way, which I will attempt to describe.   Each player has a ‘shipping wheel’ in their employ, which is made up of 7 segments, containing the dice symbols 1-6, plus one with a large red arrow, which indicates the Action section. As part of the turn one player throws the 6 coloured six-sided dice and each player then chooses to action 2 of these dice and place that number of coloured cubes against the appropriate numbered segment which is currently displayed, so you might choose a 3 Red and a 5 Green. You will be choosing colours that might enable you to ‘buy’ tiles in Macao or to action some of your cards in your tableau. When all players have done this the ‘shipping wheel’ is rotated one space so the Red Arrow now points to say the ‘1’ space, and those are the cubes the player has at their disposal this turn. So you can see that you have to plan ahead for the cubes you want in future turns when selecting which dice to action. In our example above the 3 Red will NOT be available for another 2 turns, the 5 green for 4 turns. Cubes that are available are used to gain commodities, if they match, to gain cards, to turn into Gold coin, to move your ship to the cities, to move your player marker further up the turn order, so plenty to think about. If you have no action cubes in the Red Arrow segment you are penalised -3 PP’s; the same applies if you have filled your tableau with 6 unactioned cards and therefore cannot place a new one. So in this way we tried to achieve our desired moves. Mike took an early lead by acquiring 5 Gold Coin which he converted into 8 PPs. The others concentrated on getting useful cards which linked together to build a useful ‘engine’ for later on. Paul then started to move up the PP track with the first delivery of commodities, plus he had actioned cards which granted him a bonus for a particular commodity type. Kevin and Mike battled to gain linked segments in the north of Macao, with Mike frustrated by going last in the Turn Order and the tile he wanted being snatched by Kevin. This all helped Jeremy who was building a nice portfolio of commodities in the south of Macao, which he eventually shipped and gained lots of PPs. All players apart from Mike saw their ‘engines’ come good in the latter stages, so they forged ahead leaving Mike behind. Jeremy and Paul tussled for the lead, with Kevin closing quickly but Jeremy had enough conditions met at game end to gain a clear victory, with the final scores being Jeremy 70; Paul 55; Kevin 46; Mike 35. The game took nearly 3 hours but all the players thoroughly enjoyed it and recommend it to other members.
3.       Table 1 reduced to 4 players so they played “DOMINION“, a club favourite, in which Roger won by a single point from Jerry.
4.       On Table 2 Kevin decided to leave as it was 10.15 so the 3 remaining players played “SORBEK”, a set-collecting card game with a neat scoring twist. From a large deck of cards several are placed along the banks of the Nile and in turn players can do one of the following. 1) take the first card into their hand; 2) take a card further along the Nile into their hand but place all the intervening cards into their ‘corruption pile’.  4) Lay down a set of at least 3 matching cards for round end scoring and select one of the bonus tiles for doing so. (see later) 4) Play a character card from their hand and action it. This sometimes involves stealing a card from another player, or taking more cards with out penalty or some other such event too numerous to mention here. When the deck is exhausted the round ends and scoring takes place as follows. All undeclared cards are added to the corruption pile. Then each declared set is scored as the number of scarabs on the cards times the number of cards in the set…say typically 3 x 5 for 15 points. Some of the Bonus tiles now get actioned. These can send a nominated player back along the scoring track to the next symbol matching where they currently stand. The opposite tile enables a player (usually themselves) to advance up the scoring track to a symbol  that matches where they are. Some add 2 to the number of cards in another player’s  corruption pile and this is where it gets nasty, as all the players add up their number of cards in the corruption pile and the player with the highest total has to move backwards on the scoring track. The number of points they scored that round is divided by 10 to get a result, i.e. 42 points = 4. They then move back past 4 of the yellow coloured sections on the track, these being set at 5 point intervals. So it pays not to put too many cards in your corruption pile. We only had time for 2 rounds and the final scores were Paul 68; Jeremy 55, Mike 45. A good little filler.

 Games played and Winners were:
Thunderstone Advance – Freya Freestone;
Macao  – Jeremy Hurault;
Dominion – Roger Skull;
Sorbek – Paul Bulpin.