Thursday, 21 June 2012


1.       Well readers you may recall that last week we didn’t know who the winner would be of “SURVIVE”. Well fret no more, I can announce that it was Alister who triumphed. Back to this week and we had 8 players in attendance so we split into 2 tables of 4. On table 1 the game of “SETTLERS OF THE STONE AGE” made another appearance, having been played on 24/05/2012,so see details there. As only 2 players knew that game it was a slow start but things quickened up once players started moving up the scoring tracks on the side of the board. The eventual winner was Kevin with apparently a lucky break near the end.
2.       Table 2 saw 4 players playing the new game “VINHOS” under Tony’s direction, consisting of the same 3 players as last week, plus Jeremy. Once again Paul took the ‘exporter ‘ route but it didn’t prove as successful as last week , as Tony scored good points in the game end scoring to grab a victory from Paul by a narrow margin. Jeremy was a close-up third with a later surge but Mike failed dismally and was well behind.
3.       With the departure of Jerry Table 1 reduced to3 players so they played “7 WONDERS“, the all-time club favourite.  Once again Freya triumphed by collecting a strong combination of Green cards, which yielded her many points and she ran out a clear winner.
4.       Paul also departed early from Table 2 so Tony and Mike introduced Jeremy to “DOMINION”, which he had not played before. The version we played was ‘Intrigue’ so many of the decks were new to Mike also. Obtaining the required money to purchase the Province cards proved elusive for the first 30 minutes and one deck forced players to pass on a card to the neighbour on their left, which ruined many a chance to make progress. Jeremy and Tony fought out the finish, with Tony coming out on top with 67 points to Jeremy’s 62…once again Mike was a distant runner-up on 38 points. The bulk of Tony’s points came from acquiring a number of Duke cards which were worth 1 VP for each Duchy in the realm, and he had 5 Dukes and 5 Duchy’s generating 25 points on their own !!

Games played and Winners were:
Settlers of the Stone Age – Kevin Ward;
Vinhos – Tony Simons;
7 Wonders – Freya Freestone;
Dominion – Tony Simons.

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