Thursday, 12 July 2012


1.       Down to just 7 players tonight. On table 1 Mike had arranged with Lucy to play “LE HAVRE”, a favourite of both of them, and Paul decided to join us. We played with the Special Building for the first time and that made this interesting game even better. As usual Lucy wiped the floor with the others, she seems to be able to construct a series of buildings which inter-relate so she always had the right resources to generate enough food, or power, or to build more. Paul made a valiant effort for his first outing as he got to grips with the game mechanics. Final scores were Lucy 143; Mike 112; Paul; 96.
2.       On table 2 4 players tried out the new game of “ECLIPSE” under Tony’s leadership. It appears to have loads of pieces and takes a lot of table space. The 4 players did not complete their first game and they agreed to continue it next week.
3.        With Lucy departing Mike and Paul decided to fill in the end of session with a 2-player game of “DOMINION”, using one of the defined combinations of cards. Paul generated plenty of money so he was able to buy Provinces quite readily and his use of the Militia frequently reduced Mike’s hand to 3 cards so he couldn’t buy. Paul won easily..

Games played and Winners were:
Le Havre – Lucy Newbury;
Domimion – Paul Bulpin;
Eclipse  - to be continued.

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