Thursday, 30 August 2012


1.       8 players to start with tonight so 2 tables were in play. On Table 1 Mike, Matthew and Paul, played another game of “UNION PACIFIC”, as Matthew had enjoyed it so much last week. This time we didn’t let Paul grab all the UP shares but he did build a lot of trains on the Red line. Mike and Matthew fought over the Greens for most of the game but Paul took control of several other companies. Paul and Matthew scored well for their UP shares. Mike was always trailing the other 2 throughout but Paul’s multiple scoring enabled him to win for the second week running.  Final scores were Paul 183; Matthew 173; Mike 155.
2.       As Table 2 were involved in a long game when John arrived at just before 9.00 he joined Table 1 in a game of “DETROIT/CLEVELAND GRAND PRIX”. In this card-driven game players bid for ownership of racing cars at auction before each race and they then play 1 card in turn to move the cars around a tight circuit, with many chicanes and blocking positions. The cards have various combinations of the 6 cars in the race upon them, and the trick is to play a card that helps you and also hinders the other players. Each race lasts only 1 lap and prize money is paid out according to the finishing positions. After the first race Paul and John were the leaders, whilst Mike actually lost money on his investment. In the second race Mike bought 2 cars in an attempt to catch up, but this failed to materialise. Matthew and Paul both purchased 1 car each for $10,000 and Paul won this race also, yielding $240,000 profit. This meant that Paul waltzed away with a convincing win. Final scores were Paul $570,000; Matthew $320,000; John $310,000; Mike $250,000.
3.       Table 2 saw 5 players in a game of  BATTLESTAR GALACTICA”, a co-operation game in similar vein to Shadows Over Camelot, inasmuch as 1, or maybe 2, of the players are secretly Traitors trying to destroy the Mother ship and the ‘good guys’ are trying to land back home intact. Lots of pieces , cards, tokens and die rolling involved with the situation constantly changing. Once the Traitors ( in this case Kevin and Tony) were known  the other 3 ( in this case Tom, Jerry and Jeremy) struggled to defeat the attacks. However in a close finish they just managed to scrape home. The game lasted over 3 hours, so any future interested parties should be aware of this.

Games played and Winners were:
Union Pacific – Paul Bulpin;
Detroit/Cleveland Grand Prix – Paul Bulpin;
Battlestar Galactica – Tom, Jerry & Jeremy.

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