Tonight we had 3 tables in play which was encouraging.
explored, traded and colonised most successfully to become the
‘Ambassador to the Galactic Council’ ahead of Matthew and Tony in Starfarers of Catan.
Jeremy put his (and Mike and Roger’s) dice to best religious, military
and civil use to gain the most fame for his French family in Troyes. Kevin used a Corn and Temple strategy to beat Paul, Lucy and Tim in Tzolk’in, a Mayan themed worker placement game with a twist. Roger was declared the winner of Roll Through the Ages – The Bronze Age having built some impressive monuments and avoiding the disasters that had befallen Jeremy, Mike and Kevin.
3 years ago this week Geoff was on top form, the Piesse Brothers were running late and Caylus was the main event…
Whilst we waited for the late arrival of the Piesse Brothers 4 of us
played the short game of “Hey, That’s My Fish”. A simple game about
collecting fish from a large ice flow. However as players collect fish
they form holes in the ice which can leave other players isolated ( or
should that be “ice-olated” . Roger ran away with the game in the end by
having a “whole shoal” to himself.
2. With the arrival of Chris
and Alistair 7 of us played “Incan Gold”, a game of collecting
treasures. It involved brinkmanship deciding when to bale out of the
mines due to impending disasters. Chris didn’t and perished, Alistair
was more prudent and narrowly beat Richard.
3. When Robert Piesse
arrived we split into 3 groups, one of 5 to play “Caylus”, and the
other 3 played a variety of small games. Caylus is a resource management
game about building various parts of a castle and is quite involved…a
proper gamers game .It took over 2 hours and Chris was always in a
leading position and held it until the end, despite a late surge by
Alistair and Mike to close the gap. Richard claimed he might have won if
there had been one more round…hmmm, maybe next time ??
4. On the
other table Geoff introduced Maria to the game of “Oregon”, about
building farms, ports and churches in the state of that name. He duly
won but only narrowly from Roger.
5. Geoff then explained the
card game “King Lui”, whereby players take food items from the
proliferation on display but they must be careful not to eat more of an
item than the King does, as that would be rude, wouldn’t it ? If they do
hey won’t score for that item so the game is all about keeping a
balanced diet. Geoff’s prior knowledge enabled him to win.
6. The
small group then played a quick card game “Coloretto”, and interesting
set-collecting game which is popular within the hobby. Maria was hustled
by the other two and Geoff gained a narrow win over Roger.
The larger group played a second game of “Incan Gold” to finish up the
evening. Mike blew his chances when failing to get out of the mine in
time and lost a lot of treasure. Chris gained a win by just one point in
a tense finish.
8. On the other table Geoff introduced another
card game called “Archaeology”, a game about achieving expedition goals.
In another tight finish Geoff beat Roger by one point to claim a fourth
victory of the evening !!
Games played and winners were:
Hey That’s My Fish ! Roger Skull;
Incan Gold game 1 Alistair Gittings;
Oregon Geoff Williams;
Kings Breakfast Geoff Williams;
Caylus Chris Cook;
Coloretto Geoff Williams;
Archeology the Card Game Geoff Williams;
Incan Gold game 2 Chris Cook.
Well done Geoff on a 4-timer !!
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