6 players
tonight, which included Dave, a visitor from the Bath Games club, so we split
into 2 groups of 3. Table 1 saw 3 players playing “VILLAGE”, the new
game which was played last week. Dave and Jeremy were playing the game for the
first time and both enjoyed the experience. Mike and Dave took the early lead
by going travelling whilst Jeremy was visiting the market almost every turn to
pick up Customer tiles for game end scoring. Mike was ‘killing off’ his members
hoping to be the only one to get 5 of his family in the Village Chronicle and
to stop the other players matching it, but Dave sent a member travelling and he
died quickly and that gave him a 5th entry, so eroding a 5-point
margin for Mike, which proved crucial in the game end scoring. Jeremy made a
late entry into travel to close the gap and his Customer tiles totalled 19
points so things were close at the top. In the final countdown the scores were
Dave 49; Jeremy 45; Mike 41, so those extra 5 points Dave got for his 5th
death proved vital.
Table 2 saw
Kevin, Paul and Jerry playing a game of “AGRICOLA”,
the game where players select actions from a multitude of choices to construct
their farm, and populate it with animals or grow vegetables, They increase the
size of their family to create more workers, to increase production, but these
folk require feeding so players need to take account of that fact, by killing
cattle, or making bread, if they have the resources to do so. This is all
driven by a card system which meshes several mechanics together in a brilliant
way. Jerry was ‘beaten up ‘ badly in his efforts and did not bother to total up
his negative score but the other 2 finished very closely, with Kevin just
edging Paul out by 31 points to 29.
3. All 6 players got together for the
final game of “7 WONDERS – LEADERS”,
the variant which adds a twist of players selecting a Leader card to add to
their display ( if they can afford it) from 4 initial cards dealt to them.
These cards add various powers which affect the subsequent game play. As always
with this game there was the frustration of the right resources not being
available from your neighbours , in this case Glass was in short supply. Paul
built up a vast military strength, aided by his leader of Julius Caesar, but
his other leader generated him a load of cash throughout the game giving him 9
victory points in the end , which proved crucial. Dave had to suffer the ignominy
of finishing behind Mike, the perpetual loser, and the final scores were Paul
65; Jeremy 61; Kevin 58; Jerry 51; Mike 48; Dave 46.
Games played and Winners were:
Games played and Winners were:
Village – Dave
the visitor;
Agricola – Kevin
7 Wonders – Paul
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