With 9
players in attendance we split into 2 groups of 5 and 4. Table 1 played “POWERGRID”, a club favourite about
building power plants and networks connecting cities, and then getting the
resources to generate the power and supply your network. The chosen map was
Germany and there was little conflict for city building early on. However this
changed mid-game and Mike was squeezed out, whilst the others kept pace just
behind the long-time leader Alister. He
was always ahead right to the end where he held on for his first victory in the
2. Table 2 saw 4 players engaged in “GIGANTEN”, a game of driving your
truck to prospect for oil hidden under the many derricks on the board. Once oil
was discovered players then had to transport it back to their own depots, where
they tried to sell it for a profit. The game is driven by the drawing of
various multi-purpose cards which permit movement, the issue of share
certificates, and some ad hoc events such as extra oil discoveries or extra
movements. The game is ‘controlled’ by the progression along a track of the
scoring train and players can only transport new oil back to their depots if
they are behind this train, so movement is crucial. The bidding for cards is done
by using shares certificates in an auction and this can be quite tense, as they
also need to be kept for the selling process later on. They also have to be
aware that they need to sell their oil at the depot in good time or else it
will ‘spoil’ and be lost, thereby losing the investment. The winner is the one
with the most money when the controlling train reaches the end of its track. All
4 players were in close contention throughout with Tony just holding on ahead
of newcomer Chris.
Table 2
were reduced to 3 players with Chris’s early departure so they played a game of
“NEUE HEIMAT”, a tactical bidding game about building the
highest scoring houses in three building rows. The levels are different
coloured cubes with numbers from 1 to 6 on it, which are dealt via auction in
each round. The first one of a new colour you purchase fixes this colour as
yours for the rest of the game and the final scoring. Players also bid for
additional pieces to shorten (or lengthen) the lanes and rooftops to finish the
houses. You pay with cheques, each of 1 million euros and can establish an
"illegal cashbox", counting at the final scoring, too. The game ends,
when there are two rows completed. The houses on these score positive points,
regarding the numbers on the levels and the rooftops, the ones in the third row
are scored negative. Despite Tony owning the game he was denied a second win of
the evening by Richard.
4. Table
1 completed their session with “THURN
UND TAXIS”, a game about building a network of post offices in Germany. The
players collect cards for various cities and when they have a linked route of 3
cities or more and sufficient horse power to travel the distance of the link
they ‘declare’ the route and score victory points for it. There are points to
be gained in several ways, such as linking cities of 3 particular colours, or for
the various lengths of the routes ( range 3-8), or having built a post office
in each of the areas of the board. The game ends when one player has placed all
their post offices, any post offices remaining in other players hands score -1
point. Players then total up their victory points and the one with the most is
the winner. Scores were Alister 35, Geoff 32, Roger 28, Mike 27 so Alister
gained his second win of the night. Well
done Alister !!,
Games played and Winners
Alister Gitten;
Tony Simons;
Heimat Richard Piesse;
und Taxis Alster Gitten
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