Thursday, 18 November 2010


1.    Table 1 played “WITCH TRIAL”, a card game in which players represent lawyers in this humorous, psuedo-Colonial courtroom trial. Each player attempts to prosecute victims and make money by winning the case. All lawyers pair a Suspect with a Charge card to represent the case they are prosecuting. However, money can also be made by defending the cases that other lawyers are working on. When a case comes to court, players add their Evidence cards, and make Motions and Objections, in order to sway the jury to their side. Then the case is either settled by plea bargain (an agreement by lawyers to divide the case money) or by the jury (a 2D6 dice roll of 13 or more which includes all card modifiers played on this case). A fun game, in which the lawyer with the most money wins. Much laughter was generated and Allister thought he had won convincingly but Maria came a close second by successfully defending the last case, and she lost by just 5 points.
2.       Table 1 saw 4 players engaged in the new release “LONDON”. Players rebuild the city after the Great Fire, from cards selected during their turn. As with a lot of games, London is about scoring the most VPs. Players manage their hand, selecting cards to play into their building display by laying them out in a line. At some point a player will choose to run his city and they can activate their buildings in whatever order they prefer. The resulting actions can generate money and VPs, reduce poverty or have some other effect specified on the card, sometimes penalising the other players. Some cards have an entry cost which must be paid before the action can be performed. The poverty cubes are a great hindrance and players must be careful not to generate too many of these if they are to have a chance of winning the game. The components looked good, the final scoring was tight, but Tony emerged the victor.
3.       We then split into 3 groups and Table 3 played “METROPOLYS”, the city-building game that was introduced last week, so no need to elaborate here. Allister left his building until late and finished strongly but failed to catch up on Mike’s early lead.
4.       Table 2 played a silly card game called “THE TOTALLY RENAMED SPY GAME”, and the text being read out aloud by the players amused those on other tables. In the game , players take on the role of villains building their remote fortresses and capturing secret agents. When one is captured, he can be killed right away, but what's the fun in that? The real points come when you slowly reveal your secret plan to him, or leave him to be eaten by sharks. Of course, that's where the risk is too, and the longer you postpone the kill, the greater the likelihood that another player will produce a card that allows the agent to escape and destroy your fortress. Richard was the winner.
5.       Back on Table 3 4 players played “SETTLERS OF CATAN”, as Lucy and Maria has not played it before. Mike adopted a strategy to upgrade his starting settlement to a city and was lucky with the dice rolls to produce a lot of commodities which he traded to build yet another city, giving him 4 points.  Maria took the lead when she built the longest road but this was soon taken off her by Lucy, who built a road of 10 length. Allister moaned at his lack of resources but did eventually get up to 9 points. Mike continued to gather plenty of commodities and he was able to trade these in for lots of stone and wood so that he won the game by building a road length of 11 and taking the 2 point card from Lucy. 
6.       Table 1 saw 5 players engaged in a club favourite “PUERTO RICO”, the game about players occupying  plantations with the incoming colonists and constructing buildings to process the produce, which they eventually load onto ships and transport it back to home. The game was reviewed in earlier sessions so is not repeated here. As the players knew the game well the scoring was very close, with Richard winning with 51 points and Tony and Rob tying on 48 points. Luke and Roger were not really in contention.
Games played and Winners were:
Witch Trial Allister Gittins;
London Tony Simons;
Metropolys Mike Oakes;
The Totally Renamed Spy Game Richard Piesse;
Settlers of Catan Mike Oakes;
Puerto Rico Richard Piesse.

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